Sprocket, Frenchescas The Ultimate Gear Jammer, finished with a bang at the Spokane/Coeur D'Alene shows taking the major
two of the four days, finishing with four majors! He is now Ch. Frenchescas the Ultimate Gear Jammer!! Baby Howy,
Frenchescas Hope To Wynn, went reserve to the majors both of those days as well from the 6-9 month puppy class.
NEWS FLASH! Sprocket goes Winners Dog and Best of Winners both days in Walla Walla Washington, April 30th,
and May 1st. Little Baby Howy goes Reserve Winners Dog at just 6 months old in Walla Walla on Saturday also. Howy
also got a Group 2 Puppy in Lewiston, Idaho, one day after he turned 6 months old!!
Sprocket goes Winners Dog and Best of Winners in Richland Washington, October 2nd 2010!
NEWS FLASH!! Sprocket aka Frenchescas The Ultimate Gear Jammer, goes Best of Winners two out of the four days
in the Spokane/Coeur d'Alene shows for a 3 point and a 4 point major! He is well on his way to his championship.
He has passed his eye cerf., OFA cardiac, and patella test. We are so proud of this exceptional boy. Co owned
with Cari Haider.
Sprockets Pedigree